Pre-madam, my go-to style of handbag was always on the larger size. From an oversized tote style to large shoulder bags, I consistently gravitated towards style that could hold my wallet, an oversized day planner, makeup bag, keys, and more. Darling Husband would frequently call me Hermione as I would magically pull out a granola bar and book from the depths of my handbag. However, since having madam and having to tote a diaper bag with me more often then not, I’ve been leaning towards teeny tiny little bags when out without her. Give me a gorgeous clutch or a mini little cross body and I’m a happy camper. There’s something so freeing about them since they can typically only hold a slim card holder, keys, lipstick and phone. When I saw this little Fendi beauty from LOVEthatBAG, it was lust at first sight for sure! I love how it can be worn cross body for hands free ease but thanks to its little top handle, it makes a gorgeous little clutch as well.