It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Montreal based brand Le Chateau, it’s pretty likely that you’ll see their pieces pop up weekly here on WestmountFashionista. Beyond the obvious sartorial attraction I have to the brand, I also love how committed they are to not only supporting the Canadian fashion industry but Canada in general. Born in Montreal, Le Chateau is not only fiercely proud of its local roots but its Canadian roots as well.
You’ll also have likely heard about the devastating wildfires that are ravishing Fort McMurray in Edmonton. Residents have been fleeing the destruction as their homes and property are destroyed by the spreading fires. Le Chateau has already donated $100,000 worth of brand new men’s and women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories to those displaced by the fires. Working with a local non-profit, the Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society, they’re making sure these items get to those in need.
For those interested in joining Le Chateau in their commitment to helping, head over to the Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society website to learn how you can do so.