There are few items more special than a CHANEL bag. A classic symbol of good taste, these bags stand the test of time and remain one of the most worthwhile sartorial investments you can make. The iconic 2.55 handbag {you can read all about the style here} and the classic handbag are some of the House’s most recognized and coveted styles. However, over the past few years, the House of CHANEL has introduced new styles that have continued to captivate devotees and casual admirers alike. The CHANEL GABRIELLE bag, named after the famed House’s founder, is Monsieur Lagerfeld’s latest addition to the world of CHANEL.
I introduced you to this stunning new style in a previous article {here} and now I’m thrilled to introduce you to the gorgeous backpack style of the CHANEL GABRIELLE bag in this series of photos. With its mixed metal straps and crisp white body, this bag is a serious beauty. As with the rest of GABRIELLE styles, it can be worn multiple ways simply by lengthening and shortening the straps and playing with their configuration. To say that I’m obsessed with this bag is a major understatement… I’ve been dropping not so subtle hints to Darling Husband that I need it in my life and in my wardrobe. After all, a CHANEL bag is an investment.
Photography: Eric Branover