Hello darling! Since you clicked on this tab you must want to know a little bit more about yours truly. Let’s see…I enjoy long walks through Neiman Marcus, red soled shoes, skinny black pants, oversized cocktail rings, obnoxious bows, nipped waists and full skirts.
After spending my early twenties using the stove in my apartment as extra shoe storage, I moved to Montreal for love with a UHaul full of clothing and my 8lb blonde poodle in tow. Upon seeing the UHaul full of clothing and the conversion of his office to my closet, my Darling Boyfriend decided to come up with this charming little idea: any articles of clothing unworn after one year would find their way to the local Salvation Army. While the chance of this happening is on par with the average mortal getting an invite to the mythical Chanel sample sale, I will endeavour to prove him wrong one outfit post at a time.